Leek Croquettes

This recipe, also called prasafuchies is my adaptation from my favorite sephardic cookbook writer, Gilda Angel, Sephardic Holiday Cooking. Every recipe in this easy to follow cookbook is tasty and festive. I serve these croquettes at our second Passover Seder each year. I always sprinkle them with plenty of lemon juice. The only problem with them is that sometimes the serving dish doesn't make it around the whole table, no matter how many I prepare.


Yield: 30 croquettes

Wash leeks very well to remove sand. Cut off and discard the roots and tough outer leaves. Cut the remaining parts lengthwise to clean more thoroughly, and soak in a large bowl of cold water. Change the water so that no more sand appears. Drain well.

Cook the leeks in the microwave (no additional water), covered, for about 15 minutes (or for about 45 minutes in a covered saucepan in slightly salted water). Drain and set aside until the leeks are cool enough to handle. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible.

Soak the matzoth or bread in cold water for about 5 minutes. Squeeze out as much water as possible.

In the bowl of a food processor, mix the leeks, matzoth (or bread), eggs, salt, and pepper. The mixture should be thick enough to form into patties. If the mixture is too mushy, add some matza meal, one T. at a time.

When the mixture is easy to handle, form into 30 patties, about 2 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick. Dip each pattie in matza meal and fry in hot oil until golden on both sides. Drain on paper towels. Serve at once, sprinkled with lemon juice, or refrigerate until ready to serve.

To reheat, place keftes in a baking pan and sprinkle with lemon juice. Heat at 250°F. for 30 minutes.

I prepare these about a week ahead of time and freeze them in a disposable foil pan. Defrost them in the pan and reheat as above.

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