Broccoli and White Rice Casserole

This simple casserole was my favorite childhood side dish. I suppose it was invented by my mother, Charlotte Nothmann, a wonderful cook who rarely if ever needs a cookbook. I now make it with broccolini, a more tender and more delicately flavored vegetable than ordinary broccoli. This dish is wonderful with pot roasts, stews, and other main dishes that have a lot of sauce or gravy.


Preheat oven to 375°. In a 3 quart casserole, mix broccoli, rice, salt, oil, and water. Cook in a microwave oven (5 minutes on high, then 20 minutes on medium) until the water is barely absorbed. Beat the egg slightly in a small dish. Add the egg to the rice mixture, and mix quickly and thoroughly with a fork. Sprinkle paprika over the top. Bake at 375° for 45 minutes or until the casserole is brown and crisp.
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