Eve's Pastrami Chicken

This recipe, from my youngest daughter, Eve Reingold, is easy, delicious, and pleases both young and old. It's perfect for Shabbat lunch with a vegetable, a kugel, and a salad. I suggest the addition of Panko crumbs for extra crunch.


Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Clean the chicken to remove any extra fat.

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Put the dressing and crumbs in separate bowls. Dip the chicken pieces into the dressing and then coat with the crumbs. Put a size-appropriate piece of pastrami on top of the piece of chicken and roll up (pastrami on the inside). Put the pieces very close together in a greased baking pan, and bake for 40-45 minutes. Test for doneness with a sharp knife, chicken should be opaque throughout. Serves 3-4.